Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Play Date

I just LOVE the new Play Date DSP and the matching accents! Can't wait for the rub-ons to become available! I am a teacher and I am using owls in my classroom this year. The Play Date items are helping with my classroom decor! Yay! I am working on decorating/altering a few items to use in my room. I will post some pictures  soon (when I have better light to take my pics!).

Monday, July 19, 2010


This post is totally not stamping related. I need to appologize for not posting but life sure has been busy. First, we went on vacation for a week. That was a fun break! Two out of three of my sisters, their families, and mine went to North Carolina to visit with my dad and step mother. We had a fabulous time! A few days after we returned home, our beloved furry child, Sammi died. She was a Golden Retriever mix. Matt and I had had her for 15 and 1/2 years. She was like my first child. She was a house dog for years, until Cole was born. We knew this day would eventually arrive and I totally thought I would be okay with it knowing what a great and full life she had had. Boy, was I WRONG! It has been so hard! We will miss her dearly! Love you Sammi!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Happy New Catalog!!!

I am so excited that the new catalog goes live today! WHOO HOO! This is the best catty I've seen so far! If you haven't seen one yet and would like to, please email me at: and I will get you hooked up! You won't want to miss this one!